Financial Information

Statements of Comprehensive Income

(In KRWmn)

별도 손익계산서에 관한 자료입니다.
Accounts Annual
2023 2022 YoY YoY(%)
Operating revenue 118,326 201,809 -83,483 -41%
Operating expense 46,477 36,542 9,935 27%
Operating profit 71,849 165,267 -93,418 -57%
Other non-operating income 449 426 23 5%
Other non-operating expenses 426 114 312 274%
Finance income 9,391 3,276 6,115 187%
Finance costs 1,986 2,213 -227 -10%
Profit before income tax expense 79,277 166,642 -87,365 -52%
Income tax expense 12,561 44,137 -31,576 -72%
Profit for the year 66,716 122,505 -55,789 -46%

Statements of Financial Position

(In KRWmn)

별도 재무상태표에관한 자료입니다.
Accounts Annual
2023 2022
Current assets 368,152 318,851
Non-current assets 51,694 34,446
Total assets 419,846 353,297
Current liabilities 22,070 39,188
Non-current liabilities 44,398 27,018
Total liabilities 66,468 66,206
Share capital 37,451 37,451
Share premium 308,911 308,911
Other components of equity 424 172
Accumulated other comprehensive income -736 -55
Retained earning 7,328 -59,388
Total equity 353,378 287,091
Total liabilities and equity 419,846 353,297

Statements of Cash Flows

(In KRWmn)

영업활동현금흐름에 관한 자료입니다.
Accounts Annual
2023 2022
Cash flows from operating activities 63,177 108,381
Cash flows from investing activities 36,167 -46,225
Cash flows from financing activities -2,993 -1,859
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 96,351 60,297
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 231,609 171,312
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 327,960 231,609